Cool Daddy Erny
Four months of reading and at last it is over! Yes, at last. During all my studies I was reading about him, listening from profs about him and now I am done with him. I was always wondering the member of the Lost Generation, his novels, the life in his novels, the details of these lives but now I am TOTALLY done with him. Maybe, I will read Farewell to Arms and The Old Mand and The Sea but not in 6 months. Okay, a good book that describes hard life during Spanish Civil War, but it was tooooooo heavy, toooo slow. Imagine, one person is going to destroy a bridge and all 450 pages out of 494 pages is about his preparing to this action. And last 44 pages give you all the action. If one asks me the center of the book, so it is its conclusion.

The shocking fact of the book was that I found the name of my Country in it. It means that Daddy Erny had a notion about the Land of Fire.
One thing, though I did not like the novel, I DO LIKE this man. He is really COOL with each 50 shades of this word!
After reading his biography I am nicely interested in his hobby of hunting. I am horribly mad at the doctors who tried to cure him with electroshock and erased his memory and ability of writing. Also, am deadly sad for his suicide several days after his departure from the psychological clinics like his father, sister and brother. And admiringly surprised at FBI's research about him and confirming all his suspicions about being spied. His granddaughter also committed suicide and was the 5th person in the 4 generation who died in this way.
Isn't he right??? ;)
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